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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programing

I am back and despite it all carved out the time to keep this blog going with my Monday morning recap of the last week (I wrote on time, but am in fact posting late). Let’s just say last week wasn’t my best week. I struggled with a lot of anxiety on Monday of last week, and while it cooled off over the following days, it still did stick around for a bit.

The worst thing ever happened to me, (I’m so dramatic it was nothing, but that’s not how it felt in the moment) I woke up late on Monday. To be fair, I had a very long weekend and did a lot, so it makes sense my body needed to sleep in for once. I am genuinely just not used to this, I wake up at 8 or 8:30 most days, and I have a set morning routine, so when it gets thrown off, I am usually not too happy about it.

It also didn’t help that I had a big week ahead of me, no food made yet and all of my final assignments needed to get done. However, mandatory cheer workouts stopped last week too, so I took the opportunity to go to the store and pick up what I needed to re-make the chicken my aunt made at Thanksgiving (u can see hers here).

It turned out so so good, and fed me all week, knowing I didn’t have to worry about dinner for the rest of the week was such a relief. I then went to a meeting I have on Monday nights for sorority recruitment and finally got to go to the gym on my own. I personally love to go to the gym, and going later at night when there were fewer people there was perfect. I got in a good sweat, but I think I had to go home and get more work done.

I was anxious and stressed all day, but luckily short phone calls with my family, and talking to my boyfriend to sort everything out in my head, and then doing something active to get rid of my anxious energy, were my tools last Monday. This might not work for you, but if you know something that does work for you, try your best to get to it, because it will help so much in the end.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were very mundane (as much as my life can be mundane). We had a basketball game on Tuesday (I think I did work until the last second, I had to leave). I did more work on Wednesday, and made it to the gym again, though I did need to write it on my Calander to make sure I did.

This was something else I did on Monday night, I stayed up late to look at everything I had to do and write down when I needed to be working on everything throughout the week. It made a drastic difference in my productivity and helped me feel better in general.

Thursday Friday, and Saturday I was also a workaholic, but I was still trying to hang out with friends every because it was the last weekend. I was able to get 6/15 pages done on my one essay (have to finish that one this week), I got study guides done for psych, I finalized my PR presentation with my group (for today), and I finished my 2,000-word essay and my final reflection for anthropology and my media diversity class. While I didn’t schedule breaks, I think I made it onto TikTok once or twice and I found this video, I don’t even think an explanation is needed, but I will warn it is a long video, but don’t let that discourage the watch!

Needless to say with some of those things done, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for this week. I still have some planning to do to manage my time, but I am ready for it, I know I can get through it, and I know if I do start to feel like I’m freaking out about it, I can make changes or talk to someone. Saturday, I did get work done for three hours, but I also took time to go to Starbucks and Marshall's with my best friend to catch up after not seeing her much all week.

Sunday was similar, I went to practice (it was a very difficult practice), but in the end, it was very productive. Then I got stickers for my parents’ cars (not realizing how much I miss casual shopping until this weekend), and I got dinner with my dad (seeing family + a good burger and fries = a good Sunday). I did the thing, I made it this week, and I will continue to make it to the next. As much as I get stressed, anxious and overwhelmed, if I can remind myself, that I know how to keep moving forward and fall back on some things I learned to manage these feelings, it will be alright.

As you go into the crazy holidays off of crazy finals weeks and too much to keep up with saying goodbye to everyone for the break, take a second for yourself, even something little like reading this or scrolling on TikTok for 20 minutes if you don’t have time. You can get through it just like I did, and that is something you should always keep in the back of your mind.

~ Kelsey

P.S. It did also help to have my boyfriend take me on a spontaneous frozen yogurt date, a little sweet treat is sometimes just what you need :)

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