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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

Happy New Year

That’s really all I think I can say about that, it's 2024 now and I guess I'm ready to do this whole thing again (that sounds a bit pessimistic, but I promise it's not that dramatic). I will say I am excited about some things, but I am also nervous about a lot as well, those things go hand in hand, so maybe I am excited about all the things that might make me a little bit nervous coming up this year.

A lot of this becomes based on things I did last year, and I did not want to do a full “2023 Recap” but maybe just a little reflection on where some of the bigger things might take me. While I love my little things to keep me grounded, I think a big part of a new year is looking at the big picture. I don’t normally set a resolution either, but I usually take a liking to the ones that are more along the lines of “do this year for myself”. I am here for me, which doesn’t mean I’m cutting people off and becoming a hermit to live in solitude (again, sorry about the drama; some people think like that). I just want to be happy, and if something I am doing isn’t helping with that, I need to be able to see that and make a change.

So that’s the goal, and before I get into next year's big stuff, I'll bring it back down with some of last week’s little stuff (I think this path is less overwhelming for my brain). But I had my second New Year away from home this year, and it was so bittersweet because I still did have so much fun. I went right to preseason the day after Christmas last week (don’t worry I went to the mall first for shopping!), so I had three days of five-hour practice and watching TV on my couch because there was not much time or energy for other things.

Then, I flew to New York (guess when I woke up. . . if you said 4 am like I have done 6 other times this semester, you are correct). The flight is so quick though so it saved me from hours on a train. I think the next thing I say will also not be a shock, but my boyfriend and I ate such good food while I was there. It all started with Ichiran Ramen, then dinner was tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes), juan bing (scallion pancake with egg with fried dough, cabbage, spam and more) and frat boy ramen (Ramen with kimchi, spam, cheese, tofu, and a hot dog on a stick). All of this was washed down with s’mores berry snow shaved ice.

**Don’t forget to check it out on my food Instagram for links

For New Years we were at a party with a bunch of my boyfriend’s friends from high school and college (they are my friends too, but I know them through him), and some more people we knew. While I wasn’t with family like I always was growing up, or my team like last year, I had such a good time with this crew (I also had my first New Year's kiss at midnight, which is like a cute movie moment).

The next day, we all did literally nothing besides sleep and watch TV, this is so out of the ordinary for me, and I almost had a hard time doing nothing. I did get up and walk my boyfriend’s dog in the morning (around noon, but I was awake before then) to get coffee (found out I am a big fan of the Starbucks toasted vanilla oat milk shaken espresso) and then it was back to TV. I did finally find a show I like on Hulu; it’s called The Artful Dodger, but it was one season and I hope another comes out because I finished it in the one day!

I flew back to Syracuse that night, and now it is back to pre-season, aka I will have the same routine for the next ten days until we go to our national competition and then classes start right after. This brings me back to my original point, I am so nervous but so excited all at the same time. In addition, for some of the bigger things this year that share the dual emotion; I will (hopefully) be working a real internship this summer, I will celebrate my first one-year anniversary of a relationship, I will turn 21, I will start my senior year of college and who knows what else will happen along the way.

Obviously, many of these things are inevitable and uncontrollable, but maybe that’s what makes them exciting. I like to make myself think about them in a good light until the actual time rolls around to let that bit of nerves set in. I don’t see the nerves as bad though, if you aren’t feeling the good and the bad, that’s not really feeling in my mind. I like to try to see all perspectives of how things are and how they go, this might sometimes be to my detriment, but it also works to an advantage.

I am excited for this year and nervous, I don’t think it needs to be anything grand like “this will be the best year I ever have” but I do think I can make it one I enjoy and live fully. I am also excited to see all of the little things that pop up for me in this next year through this blog. It doesn’t have to be much, but it might make all the difference. I hope anyone who sees this, has a happy new year and remember, that the big things will come so feel them fully, but don’t forget about the little things that come too!


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