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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

A Christmas to Remember

If you couldn’t tell, I’m still quite the busy gal, but even with the hustle of Christmas, this weekend felt like a breath of fresh air. I was able to get a small update in last week, and then after that, I was back to school to fly to Boca for the Syracuse Bowl Game (we did not do well, to say the least….). However, I still had fun on my last football trip with my best friend.

I got her books for Christmas, and it was a series I was already reading, so I borrowed one and we both read as much as we could in any downtime we had! (The Twisted series to be specific). This trip was also amazing because we got to dress business casual and be flown private by the school (this is what I did for away trips freshman and sophomore year, so it wasn’t a 4 am wake-up).

The day we got there we had to go perform at a pep rally (it felt like a scene from Bring It On against the other team’s cheerleaders). Then we went to Calaveras Cantina and got their fresh guac made tableside (and the chips were definitely homemade too) then split chicken fajitas! We also went to get ice cream at Sloan's, I got cookie dough and cookies!

The next day was the game, and we had all day before it started so there was time for breakfast at the hotel, a trip to the mall to grab some lunch (I went for the falafel bowl), then back to the hotel to get ready and head to Fan Fest before the game. We flew home right after (and the game was not short), so I got home around 5 am. I took a quick shower, made sure everything was packed, and then started the four-hour drive home (there was no way I was going to be able to sleep more).

That night I went to a big family dinner at Teca. I got delicious Bolognese and a Cannoli for dessert (they are my favorite!!) The next day, my boyfriend got there and we went with my family to a Christmas village for the day (my cousin and I did wait in line with all the kids to see Santa too hehe).

That night also included a gingerbread house competition between my sister and her boyfriend and my boyfriend and I (we did win after all the votes were cast; not sure anyone was expecting that). Then came time for Christmas Eve, my family was hosting the big cousin party (I had to make a family tree to explain everyone to the boys). We did a pasta bar with meatballs and sausage, we played games for the kids to win prizes, and we of course stuffed ourselves with dessert! (I’m talking chocolate raspberry shortbread bars, Christmas crack, toffee, fudge, cheesecake and cherry cobbler).

Family is crazy, but fun, which is good because that was just the beginning. We had such a fun Christmas morning opening gifts (I got exactly what I wanted and what I didn’t know I wanted!) Then just my mom’s sister and family came over for a classic Christmas brunch. After that bit, the prep for another dinner with my dad’s side started. My dad made a big rib roast, and on the side, we had broccoli casserole, green beans, and mashed potatoes (it was awesome). Then came more dessert with my grandmother’s pumpkin pie and the family's famous ice box cake (aka layers of chocolate wafer cookies and whipped cream).

The day after Christmas started early again, we made it to the mall as it opened and went shopping (and returning). I got a bunch of new makeup (which I desperately needed) and a new pair of jeans because I had more money on a gift card than I expected. I got my favorite salad from Sweet Green (their spicy cashew dressing is to die for). After that, I drove back to Syracuse. I got in late but was able to get my favorite sandwich from Strong Hearts (they were closed last week when I tried to go). Then I got my whole room rearranged (very therapeutic), and now it is time for pre-season craziness to start.

I had one of the best Christmases this year despite the short amount of time I had at home, I cherished every second of it. I just let myself focus on the moment and be present in everything. I knew it would be hard to leave, but as my mom said to me “We will celebrate Christmas with you every year, you might not get these experiences back” and I am so grateful she said that to me before all of this. The craziness isn’t over, but I am excited to see what comes next, and I will keep you all updated as well!

~ Kelsey

P.S. I am going to move to posting on substack too, I want to see what it brings

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