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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

So Much and Nothing at All

Sometimes I think how can I be doing so much and so little at the same time, I really do not get how it works. But since I have been back to practice that’s what my life feels like. I wake up and have a lazy morning until I go to a two-hour practice, go home and eat food before returning to a three-hour practice, then go home eat more food and sleep to redo it all. It’s exhausting mentally and physically, and everyone here is in pain and/or sore. I still would not trade it for anything.

None of us would be here if we didn’t love the sport and what we were doing, so that’s what I think about as I get into these final few days before we are off to Florida for our national competition. Additionally, we have made so much progress over the last week alone, it is so crazy. Last week, I didn’t tack on any extra tasks for myself, which leads me to this week where I need to organize for getting back the night before classes start and get going on all of the extra things I said I would “get to later” (as later is unfortunately now).

Last week, the idea of doing nothing besides practice kept me going (which is very unusual for me) and now the idea of getting ready to move out of this cheer-only state of mind is moving me forward. Over the weekend we had a showcase (meaning no second practice) so I hosted everyone at my house for a team bonding night. I loved this because I was able to make cookies and I made brownies (this recipe here) but I made them allergy-friendly with gluten-free flour, avocado oil butter and gluten and nut-free chocolate chips! (we have a lot of allergies on this team, but they were still delicious). The cookies were regular, though some were scratch-made and some were premade (and people said mine were better than the premade).

We did PowerPoint night for bonding which was so so funny, apparently, I would be on The Great British Baking Show, because I like to bake (shocker) and it’s claimed I would be British in another life.

I also got to some actual work; I am in the process of updating my website (this one right here) with a recent project that I did last semester. This update is taking me longer than usual, but I want the page to look good so I will wait as long as I need to (as long as I get it done before next semester starts, I don’t want overlapping work). Seriously though, I looked at my schedule and half of my course titles are similar to the others. They are titled PRL, PSY and PSC so let’s hope I keep everything organized this semester (shout out color coding).

The last two things I am adding on this week, before I start my busy day today is finishing up a scholarship application. I am applying to get it as a senior and I want this scholarship so bad. I think that is part of the reason I am procrastinating applying because I want to get it so I don’t want to do badly on the application. I know it will be okay either way, but it’s still a stressful concept (I won’t know unless I do it though). Finally, I am helping new members of the Greek community go through the Panhellenic Recruitment Process, and I just got my group yesterday and had to send a big email with all the information they need. So, this also means scheduling times and dates to meet with everyone in person and make sure I am there for them with whatever they need!

Today I say am busy because I am doing more than nothing, but in reality, I get to go get my nails done (because colorful nails are not allowed in cheerleading competitions). Then I am headed to Ulta for a few more last-minute makeup needs. I also have to stop by the grocery store so I can make my mom's Raspberry Chocolate shortbread bars (we are having a cheer potluck at my house tonight, so come back next week to see all the food). I also need to make sure I get laundry done so I can pack tomorrow (and we still have two practices today in addition to this). Yet again, I do love this part of cheerleading, I am here for the challenge and the fight to do the best we can in our performance at ESPN, but it's a lot.

If there is one thing I have learned, it is that I live best in the chaos of being busy. I know I need to take more breaks, and that is a big goal of mine going forward (I don’t say in the new year because it's just a goal, it's not a new year’s goal). But, if I can learn to keep a little more balance, I think that will help me in getting to do more of the little things I talk about on here (like baking, after today I will have made three different things in four days, and I couldn’t be happier). The lesson is to enjoy the busy and the not-busy times, you never know when things will change and you might just find joy in both aspects.


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