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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

Take Advantage of The Calm Day

I’m back and ready to be more stressed than ever! Woo! I am just kidding, while it is a stressful time coming up, I know I am ready for it, and I know how to keep finding the small things that make me forget about the stress (even if it is for a short period of time).

I feel like I can jump right in and start with my glorious Tuesday from last week! I got my nails done (yet again, after a month of waiting to go back again) and then I didn’t leave my apartment for the rest of the day! Instead, I put on comfy clothes, I watched a bunch of movies and baked Oatmeal Chocolate Chip (Chunk) bars for my family trip!

**Yes, I tried to take them out of the pan too early… let them cook FULLY, maybe even chill them in the fridge! They are best eaten cold anyway :)

*** Oh, and get my recipe here

Now on to Thanksgiving camping! I left Wednesday and timed getting to the campgrounds almost perfectly with my family (even though they all stopped for lunch together, but it’s okay I was coming from a different direction). We got there, unloaded our stuff (I was in a cabin with my three cousins and my parents, aunt and uncle and my Mimi were all in their own airstreams), and then got started on a fire.

We did “Hanukkah” (we celebrate with my Mimi and only see her at Thanksgiving so we do it early every year) and then had Marry Me Chicken and Beef Stew for dinner that my aunt made and we heated over the fire! We of course had to end the night with smores as well, and I have to say I toasted some perfect marshmallows!

Thanksgiving started with a diner brunch (that was after a big search for somewhere that was open though). I got a waffle and ate tons of bacon, then we went for a hike (more like up and down a hundred stairs but it was the woods so it is still a hike) to go see the Katerskills Falls, it was super worth it!

We then got home and chilled for a bit before heading off to dinner at Red Onion. While it wasn’t Thanksgiving dinner (still mad about the stuffing) I have to say I had an amazing meal and still definitely ate too much (as you are supposed to do on Thanksgiving!)

** I split truffle perogies with my dad, had skirt steak with chimichurri and onions and of course garlic mash, then ended with a brownie sundae that came with espresso ice cream

Friday morning I packed everything back up before 10 (it doesn’t seem that early but it kind of is), then headed to a bakery for some coffee and pastries and then I said bye to my family and drive right back to Syracuse for practice.

Saturday was game day and it really took my whole day, I was in the dome from 11:30 am to 6 pm, and it was senior night so I was just sad the whole time. But we won the game, so we are off to a bowl game sometime soon (meaning one more game with our seniors but also a little more chaos around the holidays). Then Sunday was more practice and then home to try and get all the work I forgot about done, but I ended up doing a little and calling it.

I really do have most of the immediate things I need done, done. So, I decided to save my brain, do a little bit of work, and then just relax with dinner and catch up with my best friend on our breaks because she had just gotten back too! I knew I would have a little time today to keep working, so it wasn’t worth it to try and stress myself out doing work, and then do poor work. Something I have learned to balance is when I need to push to get things done, but also when I need to take a step back and just set aside some other time to do the work properly.

It can really even save time if I am not focusing on my work how I need to it takes so much more time and effort; but, if I get a little done and know the time, I will get back to the rest of it, it makes things so much easier. Something to take away from this all, is to take the time when you need to, take advantage of the day off (I was planning on working all of last Tuesday, but I realized break is there for a reason) and overall just be kind to yourself, you know what you need, make sure you listen to yourself for that!


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