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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

The Reality of a "Weekend Off"

I’m coming to you on a Monday morning, which I am shocked about because normally I am cramming in required work on Monday mornings before I head off to lunch and class. Today, however, I guess I have the time from this past weekend (and kind of week) off.

When I say I was off, this just means I had fewer cheer requirements this week (because I certainly had a lot of other things that needed catching up on). While I did have some time to rest, and I mean genuinely rest (taking a break but still stressing is not resting!), I still fit a lot into this week.

I was finally able to go get my nails done (after 6 weeks, apologies to my nail tech) and I made a whole morning out of it for myself. I included time in the morning to get up leisurely, enjoy my breakfast, get ready and then head out and not stress about getting back for class immediately. I did get a bonus of my first class of the day being canceled, so I used that time to get another essay done (because we only got four days of notice for it and it is 25% of our grade) but I didn’t feel the need to be rushing around and that was great.

I also had practice canceled that night and the next. While I wasn’t practicing Wednesday, I did get to go to my favorite community service event of the year where we help a local rec cheer team with their skills! I love kids, and since coming to Syracuse I have been able to see these girls year after year grow and get so much better over time. I simply love when things like community service are not a burden but are exciting and fun.

For my “night off” Thursday (I still went into practice with my group) we took just an hour and worked on some of the things we wanted and had fun doing it! I was also then able to take the rest of that time that everyone thought I was at practice to just go for a walk (on the treadmill because our lovely gross winter weather has started here) and spend time catching up on my favorite newsletters. That night, I also continued the Harry Potter “binge” my best friend and I are doing (we have been attempting to get through all the movies for two weeks now) we made it to 4, 5 and 6 this weekend! (Five is the best)

Friday, I did nothing, I had no 4 a.m. flight to catch (for the first time in two weeks), I had no meetings or events to get to and it was rainy and cloudy (aka the perfect excuse to stay inside). I did get a lot of work done (finalizing that essay) but I was saved by the fact that a midterm got extended, so I didn’t have to finish that! This also allowed me to kind of do nothing important on Saturday too, with no work to finish my roommates and I turned on a movie (with the obligatory fall candle) and deep-cleaned our whole apartment. This was, of course, after I got home from the farmers market!

I got such a delicious basket of apples and I tried something new, Honeynut Squash! I didn’t know what it was when I bought it, but they are basically just mini butternut squash. So I roasted it and had it with ground turkey on a bed of Arugula and feta all topped with hot honey, and let me tell you it was fall on a plate.

I will round this out with my Sunday, which was weirdly the busiest day of my weekend. But I participated in a philanthropy event with my sorority (in the rain in 40 degrees), and despite the bad weather, it was quite fun. The event was different team games, and the two teams with the fastest times battled it out in a final tug-of-war. I was not in that final game, but I was completely okay with that (it was too cold to want to be competitive). After a boiling shower, I worked on a group presentation and did a reading before heading to sorority leadership team elections (aka six hours of voting on our next board). This did end up being okay because were prepared to be there for a while with blankets, snacks, string and candy. But let me tell you six hours in one room gets a bit delusional, so by 10 pm, it was a fight for that last hour of voting. We did it though, and I immediately got home for some sleep!

Yet again, I felt like I wanted to add a bonus blog this week. It is fun to get a recap in and remember what I had fun at and the little connections I made (with myself mentally and with friends) when I had a little (emphasis on little) extra time to spare. I felt balanced this week, time alone and with friends, time to do things I haven’t gotten to in a few weeks, and real rest! I hope anyone reading this can pick out a few things they felt balanced out their life this week, and if there’s nothing, think of what you can add for next week!

~ Kelsey

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