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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

Let's not forget The Little Things

Good morning, or good evening, or good afternoon, basically hello to whenever this is finding you, because the things I enjoy most always seem to find me rather than the other way around recently.

Hi, I’m Kelsey and this is something I want to correct in my life. School has started back up (I go to Syracuse University); along with being on the cheer team (I cheer for football, basketball and compete); my sorority events and meetings are picking up (I’m a proud member of Delta Phi Epsilon); and I am trying to keep up my social life (despite myself all my friends complaining about how busy we have all been).

There is hardly time to go to the grocery store and then cook food or do laundry, let alone find time for a hobby. I simply think that my least favorite question to exist is: “Oh, so what do you do for fun?” I almost always say I like to read, and just don’t mention the fact that I don’t have any time to do that unless it’s the two weeks out of the year I go to the beach. My favorite book, however, is called A Face Like Glass and I highly recommend, it’s the only book I re-read.

Anyway, I say all this to make the point that I have come to realize there are so many little things I do in my everyday life that are really just for me. I love all of the organizations I am a part of, but there needs to be a balance of finding time for yourself, that can even include just scrolling on TikTok for an hour (or 20 minutes if that’s all you have). I had 20 minutes last week and ended up seeing my favorite TikTok this week, and it wasn’t even on my for you page. It was sent by my roommate (we forget sometimes that real people might know us better than our algorithms). I watched this and then we went out and had our own Trader Joes pizza making night.

The beauty of this is it could be anything, for me it might possibly become writing this blog, who knows! Right now some of my other favorite things are baking a new or a classic recipe (if there is one thing my friends know, it’s that I could be sad, angry, happy or stressed, and I want to make chocolate chip cookies regardless of my mood), cooking or going to a good restaurant (I have a food Instagram account, and I keep saying I am trying to post more).

Sometimes the things are as simple as my friends and I having a fun card or movie night, getting a chance to sit and read my email newsletters or when I just find I have time to slow down whatever I am doing at the time.

To get us started I want to give a good round up of my little things from this past week :)

  • My parents visited this weekend for the Syracuse-Clemson game (we of course went to the best restaurant for dinner). But it always slows me down when they visit just because it's nice to spend time with people you love and don’t really get to see!

  • I got dinner with my cheer besties after practice one night from our favorite place Strong Hearts. It's nice to hang out outside of our sport sometimes, we get to catch up and relax together and it makes us work together better on the mat!

  • My roommate and I went for a late-night drive to get ice cream from Stewart's (we just learned about Stewarts this year through my sorority little, apparently, it's an upstate New York thing, but now we are obsessed)

I probably have more I could add to this list (actually there’s definitely more), but that is why I am here. I want to remember more of my favorite things like this, little things that make me happy outside of some of the big things I’m committed to. I want everyone to pay more attention, let's all learn to slow down and not forget the little things together!


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