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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

A Spooky Halloweekend

I have to start by saying good morning, despite the freezing rain outside, I am happy to have a chill morning today. I had so much good fruit for breakfast (not from the farmers market but that’s okay), I am getting laundry done and I am feeling better than I did last week (I had a migraine that lasted all week). So regardless, this week is going to feel better.

I do think Halloween has something against me though, last year I woke up with no voice and a fever right at Halloween, and this year it was the migraine. I did still get to have a really fun weekend with my friends and dress up in 3/4 of my costumes (because it's not even actual Halloween yet) but because I was not feeling my best, I didn’t push myself too far and only saw friends in small groups at a time.

So far though, I was Linny the Guinne Pig from Wonder Pets with my sorority fam (I really just saw them for a picture and then went home to sleep), I was a disco ball as a “throw-together” costume because sometimes you need to be spontaneous (and I love glitter), I dressed up as Daisy Buchanan and my boyfriend was Jay Gatsby (the fringe on my dress was a 1920s dream come true), and my final costume will be Glinda with my best friend as Elphaba (again glitter)!

I was expecting to see more Barbies, but I think everyone was thinking everyone would do that so no one did (girl logic, similar to girl math and this TikTok I used as my inspo).

Like I said, I quickly saw friends on Thursday to take 3 pictures and then went home for the night because my head still hurt. Friday I also didn’t do much (except attempt to get work done and cheer at a basketball game), but luckily, I had my chill DIY costume and I again just saw some friends for an hour. Saturday was my favorite costume, I had a cheer date night, where normally everyone dresses up, but this time we added costumes. I was definitely feeling better because I did not do anything all day.

I didn’t force myself to go to the farmers market (I do love to go, but I was tired and it was raining). I stayed in bed all day and discovered Wes Anderson's Short films on Netflix (that’s a better description than I would be able to give here). I am not (or should say was not) a major Wes Anderson film lover, I knew he was amazing but I was never invested. These, however, got me hooked. They are all adaptations of Roald Dahl's stories, and they are uniquely odd and at the same time they work.

I am not sure if there is a particular order for these, but I just watched them as they came up in the “suggested next”. This full day of rest combined with the Sunday morning I spent with friends was the perfect balance. I am one for time alone, but I can also recognize when I want just to spend time with people, and I laughed so much I wouldn’t change a thing.

I first went to get Dunkin' with my roommates (I didn’t even order anything) and we just got to reminisce about our costumes from the weekend. We had to sit in such a long line, but it really didn’t matter, and something I can always appreciate is when a long line feels quicker because you are with good people. I got back from that (and made a quesadilla) then still went with another group of friends to Stella's Diner for lunch (where yet again, I didn’t order anything but a soda). It was fun to just sit and laugh. I had so much work to do but didn’t stress over it because I knew how much quality time means for me and my mental health, and sometimes that's more important.

~ Kelsey

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