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  • Writer's pictureKelsey O'Leary

I’m Convinced Food Heals Everything

Hello, hello! It's time to reflect, to say I had a crazy week is an understatement, but the point of writing here isn’t to talk about how busy I was, it’s to notice how I still enjoyed my life despite being so busy.

We had fall break last weekend, aka two days off of classes (that doesn’t necessarily mean no work, but there was certainly less). You can, however, read all about my fall break in last week’s post (basically I talk about a full day of being able to do things I love).

Since then, I had two hectic days of classes and practice, celebrated my boyfriend’s birthday, got frozen yogurt for dinner and traveled to Florida State University to cheer at a football game. On the topic of classes, there is not much that is exciting, I took an exam (and did a lot better than I expected) and turned in my essay (see last week) even though the deadline was extended after I finished writing.

As for the rest, we ordered in Apizza on Tuesday night, and they have some of the best personal pizzas in Syracuse!

You can’t tell me that doesn’t look good, it has soppressata, mozzarella, caciocavallo, and Calabrian chili-infused local honey to top it off! It was nice to have a fun dinner in and relax, you get both the benefits of staying in (aka you can wear comfy clothes) and good food.

I technically went out the next two nights for dinner as well. I went to Applebee’s on Wednesday(again to celebrate, I don’t fully know why, but it was just a chill night friends). The next night I got frozen yogurt after practice with my best friends on the team!

It doesn’t seem like much, but it allowed us to chat about our lives outside of cheer. We caught up, we planned our Halloween costumes and we just relaxed. We were all on the away trip this weekend too, which meant a 4 a.m. wake-up call on Friday for everyone!

At away games you always get to look for a fun place to eat that you usually wouldn’t be able to find (we rely on chains sometimes, but we go for something local if we can). This past weekend, I tried Chicken Alfredo Garlic Knots at dinner; the next night we ordered from what must be their classic college Mexican place, and I got Barilla Tacos!

The best part was, that we were in Florida and had all night after our game (that we sadly lost) to relax. After we got home, we changed, ordered food asap, and headed to the pool to tan, hang out, have chicken fights and most importantly play Marco Polo. We all ate our food outside and soaked up the sun/sunset (before another 4 a.m. wake-up call).

Despite the time issue, I do love to travel, so I am okay with being on the airplane to see the sunrise out the window (4 a.m. is brutal, so let me have my silver lining with this point). My team collectively was able to make fun of the whole thing and we were all exhausted together. I listened to some of my favorite artists like Noah Kahan and switched it up with some country music, and I played my favorite (and only) phone game because we had short flights (meaning no time for a movie).

To sum it all up, I might have been stressed with school and life, but I spent so much time with friends, ate so much good food and got to do some things I enjoy (cheer and travel). With every scary week, reflect on what was good; it might just surprise you (I know this surprised me).


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